
梁洪青博士,浙江大学“百人计划”研究员,博士生导师。长期致力于研究干细胞的异质性与细胞命运选择的关联。相关工作发表在Cell,Nature Communications,EMBO J., Cell Reports, Stem Cell Reports.等杂志。实验室从早期胚胎发育中不同细胞类型或细胞状态间差异的因素,如细胞周期、转座子元件等的调控机制出发,利用细胞追踪,组学测序等方法,揭示在早期发育的动态变化过程中,基因表达、信号通路等层面的动态性和异质性如何影响并协调干细胞增殖、分化等命运选择的过程。
2003年-2007年 新加坡国立大学分子细胞生物学 学士学位
2008年-2013年 英国剑桥大学细胞生物学 博士学位
2013年-2018年 新加坡基因组研究所 助理研究员
2018年-今 浙江大学遗传学研究所 研究员
梁洪青研究员博士阶段于Hutchinson/MRC 研究中心主任Ashok Venkitaraman的肿瘤实验室,博后阶段于新加坡基因组研究所主任Ng Huck Hui干细胞的实验室。长期致力于研究干细胞的异质性(heterogeneity)与细胞命运选择的关联。相关工作发表在Cell,Nature Communications,Cell Reports, EMBO J., Stem Cell Reports.等杂志。
实验室从早期胚胎发育中不同细胞类型或细胞状态间差异的因素,如细胞周期、转座子元件等的调控机制出发,利用细胞追踪,组学测序等方法,揭示在早期发育的动态变化过程中,基因表达、信号通路等层面的动态性和异质性如何影响并协调干细胞增殖、分化等命运选择的过程。其中发现,胚胎干细胞在细胞周期异质性可以导致干细胞分化潜力的差异,同时利用活细胞实时定量成像等方法,精确追踪干细胞的信号通路、细胞周期等因素的动态差异对细胞命运选择的作用。其工作创新性被Cell Stem Cell杂志专文报道。同时,实验室特别关注早期胚胎发育中高度富集并特异性激活的逆转座子家族如何参与部署细胞特异的转录调控网络,从而促进早期发育中干细胞命运的快速动态重塑与转化。
Li Z, Xu H, Li J, Xu X, Wang J, Wu D, Zhang J, Liu J, Xue Z, Zhan G, Tan BCP, Chen D, Chan YS, Ng HH, Liu W, Hsu CH, Zhang D#, Shen Y#, Liang H#. Selective binding of retrotransposons by ZFP352 facilitates the timely dissolution of totipotency network. Nat Commun. 2023 Jun 20;14(1):3646.
Ai Z, Xiang X, Xiang Y, Szczerbinska I, Qian Y, Xu X, Ma C, Gao B, Shen H, Ramli NB, Chen D, Liu Y, Hao J, Ng H.H, Zhang D#, Chan YS#, Liu W#, Liang H#. Krüppel-like factor 5 rewires NANOG regulatory network to activate human naïve pluripotency specific LTR7Ys and promote naïve pluripotency. Cell Reports. 2022.40 (8). 111240.
Xu H, Liang H#. The regulation of totipotency transcription: Perspective from in vitro and in vivo totipotency. Front Cell Dev Biol. 2022 Oct 26;10:1024093.
Xiang Y, Liang H#. The Regulation and Functions of Endogenous Retrovirus in Embryo Development and Stem Cell Differentiation. Stem Cells Int. 2021 Feb 27; 2021:6660936. doi: 10.1155/2021/6660936.
Ye Y, Wang X, Ma C, Chen X, Liang H#, Zhang W#. Transporting ESCs in FBS at ambient temperature. Stem Cells Res. 2020 Sep 24;49:102009. doi: 10.1016/j.scr.2020.102009.
Muhammad N, Lim YS , Koe CT, Demircioglu D, Tng W , Gonzales KAU, Cheng Tan CP , Szczerbinska I ,Liang H, Soe EL , Lu Z , Ariyachet C , Yu KM , Koh SH, Yaw LP , Jumat NHB , Lim SY , Wright G , Shabbir A , Dan YY , Ng HH , Chan YS. Human Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Organoids as Models of Liver Disease. Gastroenterology. 2020; S0016-5085(20)34762-4.
Szczerbinska I, Gonzales KAU, Cukuroglu E, Ramli MNB, Lee BPG, Tan CP, Wong CK, Rancati GI, Liang H*, Goke J*, Ng HH#, Chan YS#. A Chemical Defined Feeder-free System for the Establishment and Maintenance of the Human Naive Pluripotent State. 2019. Stem Cell Rep. 13(4): 612-626. *Co-senior Author
Gonzales KA*, Liang H*, Lim YS, Chan YS, Yeo JC, Tan CP, Gao B, Le B, Tan ZY, Low KY, Liou YC, Bard F, Ng HH. Deterministic Restriction on Pluripotent State Dissolution by Cell-Cycle Pathways. 2015. Cell. 162(3):564-79.
*Equal contribution.
The mechanistism revealed by this paper has been previewed in "cell cycle rules pluripotency" in Cell Stem Cell.
Liang H, Esposito A, Collin P, Surana U, Venkitaraman AR. Homeostatic control of the G2 checkpoint via polo-like kinase 1 engenders non-genetic heterogeneity in its outcome. Nat Comm. 2014; doi:10.1038/ncomms5048
Liang H, Lim HH, Venkitaraman A, Surana U. Cdk1 promotes kinetochore bi-orientation and regulates Cdc20 expression during recovery from spindle checkpoint arrest. EMBO J. 2012 4;31(2):403-16
Yeo JC, Jiang J, Tan ZY, Yim GR, Ng JH, Göke J, Kraus P, Liang H, Gonzales KA, Chong HC, Tan CP, Lim YS, Tan NS, Lufkin T, Ng HH. Klf2 is an essential factor that sustains ground state pluripotency. Cell Stem Cell. 2014;14(6):864-72.
Lu X, Göke J, Sachs F, Jacques Pé, Liang H, Feng B, Bourque G, Bubulya PA, Ng HH. SON connects the splicing-regulatory network with pluripotency in human embryonic stem cells. Nat Cell Biol. 2013;15(10):1141-52
Surana U, Liang H, Lim HH. A Recovery from Mitotic Arrest: Unusual Ways of Cdk1. Bioarchitecture. 2012 Feb 1;2(2):33-37
2008年:A*Star 海外博士奖学金
2015年:国际干细胞协会Travel Award